
5 Common Questions for Egg Donors

5 Common Questions for Egg Donors

Egg donors provide their eggs to intended parents who cannot provide healthy eggs of their own to have a baby. Egg donation can be a rewarding and meaningful experience. It’s also a fairly complex process, and it’s important to be fully informed before deciding to...

Which Clinics Do Egg Donation Near Me?

Which Clinics Do Egg Donation Near Me?

Where do I donate eggs? If you’re considering donating eggs, you may be asking yourself, “where do I go for egg donation near me?". There are several different ways to donate eggs. These include: for a friend or family member, with an egg donor agency, and with an...

Seattle Sperm Donation

Seattle Sperm Donation

How to donate sperm near you If you’re interested in Seattle sperm donation, you should get to know the process and what options are available to you. Sperm donation is a meaningful way to help someone achieve their dream of becoming a parent. Read on for more...

Egg Donation Requirements

Egg Donation Requirements

What are the requirements to donate eggs? Egg donation requirements protect the health and well-being of the donors, intended parents, and donor-conceived children. Each requirement has a specific medical reason behind it. If you’re interested in becoming an egg...

How to Become an Egg Donor

How to Become an Egg Donor

Requirements for egg donation Would you like to become an egg donor? Egg donation is a meaningful experience that can change someone’s life. To protect the health and safety of everyone involved, egg donors must meet some specific requirements. While each clinic may...

How Much Is Egg Donor Pay?

How Much Is Egg Donor Pay?

A guide to egg donor compensation Egg donor candidates and intended parents can all benefit from understanding egg donor pay. Egg donor compensation varies depending on each clinic, agency, or bank’s policies. However, the general process tends to remain the same....

How to Talk to Your Child About Surrogacy

How to Talk to Your Child About Surrogacy

If you are expecting a child through a surrogate birth, it’s important to think about how you plan to talk to your child about surrogacy. This topic can seem daunting, but it may be easier than you think! Here are reasons we recommend talking to your child about surrogacy, and tips for telling them in age-appropriate, affirming ways.

What Is the Process of Donating Eggs?

What Is the Process of Donating Eggs?

A guide to the egg donation process During the process of donating eggs, a donor takes medications to boost egg development. The mature eggs are then retrieved from the donor and fertilized with sperm in a lab to develop into embryos. The embryo is then transferred to...

What Are the Qualifications to Donate Eggs?

What Are the Qualifications to Donate Eggs?

How to become a strong egg donor candidate Understandably, there are many required qualifications to donate eggs. After all, egg donation helps intended parents bring a new life into the world, and the smallest details can have a large impact. In addition to the basic...

Seattle Egg Donation

Seattle Egg Donation

Become an Egg Donor in Seattle, WA PNWF offers a unique egg bank model for Seattle egg donation. If you’re interested in becoming an egg donor, we offer top tier medical care with decades of experience to help guide you through the egg donation process. SIMPLIFY:...