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Birth Control and Fertility

When you’re thinking of or planning to get pregnant, there’s a lot of information you will find online. Even though more women over their lives have used one form of contraception or another, many potential pregnant women fear that the birth control they took has negatively affected their ability to give birth. But, is there any truth in it?

Key Takeaways

  • Different birth control methods do have side effects on users including menstrual irregularities or delayed menstrual cycles. 
  • Many women choose birth control from a referral from family and friends or which one has the least side effects. 
  • Birth control does effectively prevent pregnancy, but each method depends on the one using it. 
  • Natural birth control methods don’t effectively prevent pregnancy but have no side effects on the user. 

Birth Control And Infertility

Birth control has existed in one form or another for thousands of years, the first mention of a condom dating back to 3000 B.C. when King Minos of Crete used a goat’s bladder to protect his wife from the “serpents and scorpions” in his semen.

The main use of birth control is to prevent pregnancy. There are different types of birth control, each working in the body differently. However, their main work is to mimic the functions of naturally occurring hormones called progesterone and estrogen.

Types of Birth Control

Barrier Contraceptives

Barrier contraceptives are birth control methods that physically block the sperm’s access to a woman’s uterus. They can be worn by either men or women every time they have sexual intercourse. Barrier contraceptives don’t affect fertility as they don’t alter or interfere with hormone levels. These include:

  • Condom: A condom is one of the most popular birth control methods. When used properly they have a 98% chance of pregnancy prevention. They also protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or infections (STIs). A condom prevents pregnancy by keeping semen (sperm-filled fluid) from entering the vagina. However, condoms can tear, leak, or slip off.  
  • The Diaphragm: The diaphragm is a dome-shaped rubber cup with a flexible rim that is inserted into the vagina and positioned over the cervix. A diaphragm works like a condom and prevents sperm from entering the uterus. Diaphragms come in different sizes and should be inserted up to 2 hours before intercourse. They shouldn't be removed for at least 6- 8 hours but shouldn't stay longer than 24 hours. 
  • Contraceptive Gel: Contraceptive gel is a birth control that changes the acidity (pH) of the vagina in order to destroy sperm and prevents fertilization. This method is usually used with another method. It should be used at least 1 hour before sex and reapplied before each time intercourse occurs.
  • Spermicide: Spermicides are birth control that kill sperm on contact. They come as foams, creams, gels, or suppositories. They are used before sex and trap/ damage sperm and prevent it from fertilizing an egg.

The Pill

According to the CDC, 12.6 percent of women across all age ranges use the pill. The pill comes in two main forms:

  • Progestin-only pills thicken your cervical mucus to prevent sperm from getting to your eggs. This pill must be taken daily. 
  • Combination pills that contain both estrogen and progestin and prevent ovulation. 

Does the the pill affect fertility? 

Though the pill uses hormones to stop ovulation and thicken cervical mucus, it doesn’t affect future fertility. Many women return to their natural levels of hormone secretion after they stop taking the pill, allowing them to get pregnant. Pregnancy can happen within a couple of days or weeks but for some women, it can take up to twelve months for a normal cycle to return.

Intrauterine Devices

Intrauterine devices or IUDs, are birth control pills that can be hormonal or copper-based. They work by preventing sperm from reaching and fertilizing an egg and can last between three to 10 years.

Does the IUD cause infertility?

While the hormonal IUD may delay pregnancy, the copper IUD does not. This is because it doesn’t affect the hormones in a woman’s body. The hormonal IUD also doesn’t affect future fertility. Once you remove the IUD, they can quickly return to fertility and don't experience any long-term fertility problems.



Implants are contraceptives placed below the skin on the user’s upper arm and slowly release progestin. They change hormone levels in the body and prevent ovulation and fertilization. They last around 3 years prevent ovulation and thicken the mucus in your cervix, making it hard for sperm to reach an egg if ovulation happens. 

Does the implant affect fertility?

The implant does not affect long-term future fertility. Similar to other hormonal contraceptives, the implant allows a return to normal fertility after removal. In some cases the return is quick, taking two weeks.



Injections are progestin-based contraceptives that are taken every three months. The first injection is normally given within the first five days of your period. If you miss a shot, it might be prudent to take a pregnancy test before getting the next shot. 

Do injections affect fertility?

The injection doesn’t affect future fertility but it can prolong delay in pregnancy, having lingering effects for up to 1.5 years. Still, there have been no studies that show a direct cause of infertility. 

Tubal Ligation

Tubal ligation or tying tubes is a process where the fallopian tubes are blocked using different methods. This prevents sperm from reaching and fertilizing the eggs. Though there’s a reversal process, tubal ligation is generally considered a permanent contraceptive and is usually recommended to women who are absolutely sure they don’t want to have children. 

Does tubal ligation affect fertility?

Yes, it does. The tubal ligation is the only method that has a lasting effect on future fertility. Even if reversed, fertility isn’t the same as there will always be scarring. The chance of conception after a reversal is around 40-70%, and this depends on age, how long your tubes have been tied, and the method used. 

Still, pregnancy can be achieved using in vitro fertilization (IVF) without performing a reversal in a fertility clinic like  Ivy Fertility. This is because the eggs are retrieved directly from the ovaries. 

Which Birth control is Safe?

Most birth control methods, don’t affect infertility. But, If you’re considering conception, it’s important to choose a method of contraception that matches your plan. While most contraception methods don’t have a long-term effect on future fertility, some can cause a delay in returned fertility once you stop using them. However, before making any decision, talk to a healthcare professional who is better placed to advise them on the best birth control method.

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