Seattle Sperm Donation

by | Mar 25, 2022 | Donor, Resources

How to donate sperm near you

If you’re interested in Seattle sperm donation, you should get to know the process and what options are available to you. Sperm donation is a meaningful way to help someone achieve their dream of becoming a parent. Read on for more information on how to become a sperm donor in the Seattle area.

What Is a Sperm Bank?

Sperm banks collect, test, freeze, and store sperm samples from donors for intended parents to use in their fertility treatments. The banks require donors to pass a screening process that includes a personal and family medical history and genetic and infectious disease testing. As per federal law, Seattle sperm banks test each sperm donation, freeze it for a six-month quarantine period, and then test it again before officially adding the donation to their database. This ensures that the donations don’t contain any diseases that could pass to the intended parent or their child.

Some Seattle sperm donors register as “open donors,” which means any children conceived from their donation can contact them after turning 18. Others choose to keep their identifying information fully private. In Seattle and Washington state as a whole, sperm donors must opt-out of sharing any identifying information with the donor-conceived children. However, keep in mind that even if you choose to keep your full name private, the widespread availability and use of at-home DNA testing means no sperm bank can fully guarantee anonymity.

Who Uses Sperm Banks?

Sperm donation is a great option for many Seattle individuals, including:

  • Couples where neither partner produces sperm
  • Single parents who either don’t produce sperm or produce low-quality sperm
  • Heterosexual couples with male-factor infertility
  • Intended parents with concerns about genetically transmitted conditions

Donating sperm provides these individuals an opportunity to become parents. When they donate sperm, donors agree that they will not have any parental rights or responsibilities to any children conceived with that sperm.

How Much Can I Earn Donating Sperm in Seattle?

Most sperm donors receive an average of $100-$150 for each viable sperm sample. In addition, most banks ask for 1-2 donations a week. This means you could earn between $400-$1200 each month. In some cases, sperm banks may pay more for donors from underrepresented demographic groups.

Some Seattle sperm banks may provide other benefits in addition to each donation payment. These can range from free medical checkups  to free movie tickets. Many banks also offer a referral bonus for recommending other qualified candidates. Some banks may also provide free annual physicals even after you stop donating, to contribute to the medical history for any donor-conceived children. As a rule, donors should never have to pay out of pocket for any medical costs associated with donation.

Schedule An Appointment

Do I Qualify for Seattle Sperm Donation?

As a sperm donor, you contribute half of any donor-conceived child’s genetic material. This means they can inherit any of your or your family’s traits, including inheritable diseases. Similarly, infectious diseases can transfer from a donor to the recipient. For these reasons, sperm donation involves certain health and behavioral requirements. While each sperm bank may have its own specific requirements for donors most sperm banks require that donors:

  • Are between 21-39 years old
  • Are in good physical, emotional, and mental health
  • Have high quality sperm (with good quantity, quality, and movement)
  • Test negative for infectious diseases
  • Can provide a thorough family medical history with no suggestion of hereditary disease

Typically, donor candidates fill out a questionnaire to see if they initially qualify. Each sperm bank may have its own additional donor criteria, including educational or professional achievements or additional screenings. If selected, the sperm bank will then contact them to set up screening appointments, which may include a physical exam, genetic screening, and infectious disease testing.

How Often Can I Donate Sperm in Seattle?

Most clinics ask donors to provide 1-2 samples a week. Some Seattle banks may allow for more frequent donations, but that can result in lower quality sperm samples. In fact, sperm donor contracts usually require donors to abstain from ejaculation for a day or two before donation. Before signing a donor agreement, make sure you know what it contains and ask any questions you may have.

Make a Difference in Someone’s Life as a Sperm Donor

At PNWF, some of the many fertility services we offer to intended parents involve donor sperm. While PNWF does not run its own sperm donation program, we do partner with several high quality sperm donor banks in the Seattle area. If you would like to become a sperm donor, we can refer you to our partners.