Trying To Conceive: 8 Tips for Getting Pregnant

by | Jan 18, 2024 | Infertility, Resources, Wellness

Helpful strategies for boosting your chances of conception.

Trying to conceive can sometimes feel very daunting, especially when it’s not happening as quickly as you’d hoped. However, there are many ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally by monitoring your body and tweaking your routine and lifestyle choices. Natural pregnancy is a holistic process that involves the collaboration of both partners.

1.  Stop Birth Control

This one goes without saying: if you want to conceive, the first thing you have to do is stop taking birth control. This tip is included here because there’s a lot of confusion around how birth control affects your cycle and how quickly your fertility can bounce back. Luckily, this happens very quickly. It is possible to get pregnant almost immediately after having an IUD removed, and if you’re on a pill your ovulation will return to normal within a few weeks. Talk to your doctor about the specifics of your birth control so you know what to expect.

2.  Have Sex on Your Most Fertile Days When Trying to Conceive

The more often you have sex, the more likely you’ll find success while trying to conceive. Having sex every day or every other day leads to the highest rate of pregnancy. However, this is actually because when you have sex more often, you’re simply more likely to have it on your fertile days. Of course, frequent intercourse is not comfortable for everyone and sometimes not possible. If that’s the case, making sure to have intercourse on the days you’re ovulating can be just as effective when calculated correctly.

3.  Track Your Cycle to Determine When You’re Ovulating

Tracking your menstrual cycle is an incredibly helpful way to pinpoint the days that you are going to be most fertile. A typical cycle lasts around twenty-eight days; however, you shouldn’t assume that’s how long yours will be. To figure out your own unique cycle, start tracking it for a few months to get a sense of your own average. Once you understand the bigger picture, you can actually calculate which days you are likely to be ovulating. Within a twenty-eight-day cycle, the fourteenth day will likely be the most fertile. If your cycle is a different length, talk to your doctor to help determine your fertile window. Having frequent sex after your period leading up to your most fertile day and for a few days after will give you the best chance of pregnancy. If it feels overwhelming to try and calculate your cycle on your own, you’re not alone. There are now many resources available to assist with tracking.

4. Cut Back on Certain Substances

Smoking, alcohol consumption, and even caffeine can affect both eggs and sperm. It’s important that both partners cut back substantially on smoking and drinking. Cutting both out entirely while trying to conceive could help boost your chances of conceiving. Excessive caffeine consumption can also lead to fertility issues. It’s best to drink no more than one to two cups a day. Your overall health is inextricably linked to your fertility and the better care you take of yourself while trying to conceive, the more likely it is to happen.

5. Avoid Strenuous Exercise and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Regular exercise is extremely important for overall health, but when trying to conceive, it should be done in moderation. Overall, the steps you take to ensure your health as a whole can positively affect your fertility. Getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and managing stress can all help to put you both in the best position possible to conceive.

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6. Keep a Healthy Body Weight

Being either underweight or overweight can affect your ability to conceive. Have a discussion with your doctor about what a healthy body weight means for you and introduce exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle chances to put yourself in the best position for trying to conceive.

7. Use a Pregnancy Test at the Correct Time

Finally taking a pregnancy test when you’re trying to conceive can be very tempting, but it’s important not to do it too soon, as you may get a false negative. Even though it’s hard to wait, it’s best not to test until either two weeks after potential conception or after missing your period.

8. Schedule a Preconception Visit with Your Doctor

Working with your doctor to figure out your specific conception needs is the best way to approach the process. Each of our bodies are very unique and your experience may not be like anyone else’s. Your doctor can counsel you on best practices as well as refer you for fertility testing to determine if there are any underlying issues to be aware of that would affect or prevent natural pregnancy. This type of testing can also help you to determine if you’re a candidate for fertility treatment to assist with conception.

Connect with us today to learn more about fertility testing and services that support conception.