
How Long Does an IVF Cycle Take

How Long Does an IVF Cycle Take

What to expect from your IVF timeline How long does an IVF cycle take, and what are the steps involved? In vitro fertilization (IVF) can feel overwhelming. And different sources define “one IVF cycle” differently, making it hard to find a simple answer of what to...

How to Become an Egg Donor

How to Become an Egg Donor

Requirements for egg donation Would you like to become an egg donor? Egg donation is a meaningful experience that can change someone’s life. To protect the health and safety of everyone involved, egg donors must meet some specific requirements. While each clinic may...

Does Stress Cause Infertility?

Does Stress Cause Infertility?

Our patients often ask us: does stress cause infertility? There’s no clear and easy answer to this question. Some studies suggest a relationship between stress and infertility; others suggest infertility causes the stress to begin with. While we don’t have an exact answer for “does stress cause infertility,” we do have resources for stress management, which can help improve your daily life overall.

Tubal Ligation Reversal

Tubal Ligation Reversal

Can you reverse a tubal ligation? A tubal ligation reversal repairs the fallopian tubes after a tubal ligation (“having your tubes tied”). Reversing a tubal ligation can make it possible to become pregnant again. However, this procedure’s chance of success depends on...

What Is the Process of Donating Eggs?

What Is the Process of Donating Eggs?

A guide to the egg donation process During the process of donating eggs, a donor takes medications to boost egg development. The mature eggs are then retrieved from the donor and fertilized with sperm in a lab to develop into embryos. The embryo is then transferred to...

Embryo Freezing Cost

Embryo Freezing Cost

How much does it cost to freeze and store embryos? When it comes to embryo freezing cost, it’s important to look at the entire process. Embryo freezing shares many similarities with egg freezing, as they use the same process. When budgeting to freeze your embryos,...

What Are the Qualifications to Donate Eggs?

What Are the Qualifications to Donate Eggs?

How to become a strong egg donor candidate Understandably, there are many required qualifications to donate eggs. After all, egg donation helps intended parents bring a new life into the world, and the smallest details can have a large impact. In addition to the basic...