IVF Services

What Is Shared IVF?

What Is Shared IVF?

A guide to shared IVF/co-IVF/reciprocal IVF/shared maternity “Shared IVF” (also called reciprocal IVF, co-IVF, or shared maternity) is a meaningful way for two people born with ovaries and uteruses to participate together in biological family building. How Does...

Post-Embryo Transfer Tips

Post-Embryo Transfer Tips

So you’ve had your embryo transfer, and you’re looking for post-embryo transfer tips to improve chances of a successful implantation. First of all, congratulations! The embryo transfer is a huge milestone in your fertility journey, and you can be proud of yourself for making it this far. It’s important to remember there is no magic secret that guarantees success. And despite what the internet may tell you, there also isn’t a laundry list of things to avoid at all costs! Here are some simple tips we’ve learned over our decades of experience transferring embryos to help you focus on this exciting time and maximize your success.

Pre-Embryo Transfer Tips

Pre-Embryo Transfer Tips

Many intended parents ask for pre-embryo transfer tips to maximize chances for success. We have found that the best things patients can do before their embryo transfer are to follow directions and feel confident and comfortable with the process. That’s it! There is no secret formula to guaranteeing success. Here are three general tips we have learned in our decades of experience that can maximize your success and as you prepare for this exciting culmination of your fertility journey.

Egg Retrieval Tips for Recovery

Egg Retrieval Tips for Recovery

So you’ve just had your egg retrieval (congratulations!), and you’re ready for egg retrieval tips for afterward. You’ve just accomplished a major fertility milestone, and now it’s time to rest, relax, and think about next steps. Here are some tips for your egg retrieval, including when to call your clinic.

How to Prepare for Your Egg Retrieval

How to Prepare for Your Egg Retrieval

The egg retrieval is a major milestone in your IVF or egg freezing journey, and we have some tips on how to prepare for egg retrieval. It’s normal to feel excited, nervous, apprehensive, or a mix of emotions before your egg retrieval. You’ve worked hard and gone through so many preparations and medications to get to this point. We invite you to reflect and feel proud of making it this far! Here are some tips for preparing for your egg retrieval.

How Long Does an IVF Cycle Take

How Long Does an IVF Cycle Take

What to expect from your IVF timeline How long does an IVF cycle take, and what are the steps involved? In vitro fertilization (IVF) can feel overwhelming. And different sources define “one IVF cycle” differently, making it hard to find a simple answer of what to...